Dose a VPN protect you from H4ACK3R?  ANONYMOUS TIM3

Hey guys! anonymous here back again with another helpful article. Many of us use VPN to hide our IP. Many of us use VPN to access blocked websites. Many people use VPN to access the Internet through IP in other countries. Many people use VPN to stay safe from hackers.

Yes, VPN is a good solution for a lot of issues you might experience online like, accessing blocked site, hiding your browsing activity etc.

But, dose a VPN protect you from hackers? lets see!

You should definitely use a VPN on a public network to protect your privacy. But, a VPN can't simply protect you from every types of cyber attacks. Some attacks are very complex. 

Some of cyber attacks that a VPN can stop.


• Remote Hacking

• Dos / DDOS Attack 

Attack a VPN can't prevent.  

Basically,  a VPN won't protect you against attack that don't require to access your ip addresses. Such as Malware Attacks and Phishing attacks. Some attacker can gain controll of your device by injecting Malicious Software in to your system. In such case, VPN won't able to help you. 

Conclusion : Yes!  VPN will protect you from many cyber attacks that require access to your IP Address. 
However, it might not be of much help against more complex attacks such as Malware.

I hope you enjoy this tutorial. If you regarding any problem with this topic please send me messages on my social media link.

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