Why a Pendrive Have Less Storage Than Written On It? 

Hey guys, Welcome back to another topic. In today's topic, we will know, Why a Pendrive have less storage than written on it? many people asked me to write a complete post on this topic. So, lest see Why a Pendrive have less storage than written on it?

Storage Measurement In Company



                 8 bit     =   1 Byte 
        1000 Byte   =   1 KB

        1000 KB       =   1 MB

        1000 MB      =    1 GB

For companies, storage is measured in the following as shown above. this system is used by companies that make storage devices. the exclude extra 24 bytes for simplifying calculations. 

Storage Measurement In Computer

                 8 bit     =   1 Byte 
         1024 Byte   =   1 KB

         1024  KB      =   1 MB

         1024 MB      =    1 GB

In general, storage is measured in computer in the following as shown above. there are extra 24 bytes which makes calculations harder. 


When we insert Pendrive in PC or Laptop, the computer calculates it according to its own algorithm and the Pendrive has its own. So the storage company doesn't provide that extra 24 bytes/Kb/MB. For simplifying their calculations that's why we get less storage than seen on it. 

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