Every day we spend a lot of time on the Internet because the internet allows us to consume a huge amount of information, gives work, and, in general, simplifies our life. imagine a situation when you urgently need to go online, but the mobile internet does not catch, or it simply ends.
so, now let's go for finishing the installation process Wi-Fi Hotspot for data Interception.
apt install python3.7-dev libssl-dev build-essential python3.7
git clone https://github.com/P0cL4bs/wifipumpkin3.git
cd wifipumpkin3
apt install python3-pyqt5
python3 setup.py install
Usage :
wifipumpkin3 - run the utility
After launching you will have a wifi-pumpkin interface. go to the settings tab and rename your access point. next step in activity monitor settings, check the boxes for HTTP-Requests (web requests). HTTP-Authentication (Credentials from website) and Pumpkin-proxy. In the plugins tab, select what is more important to you. Pumpkin-proxy allows you to use various ready-made solutions (keyloggers, BEEF, code injection, etc) but, SSLStrip + paired with DNSproxy allows you to bypass HTTPS and intercept much more credentials.
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