How Hackers Switch Multiple Locations Every Seconds ?

How Hackers Swatch Multiple Locations Every Seconds ?

You must have saw in many movie scenes that hackers can switch multiple locations while attacking any target! 

Have you wondered? How?  

While Attacking a target I'd say hackers use proxy servers. Generally these proxies are paid. But, I am going to tell you how you can get both proxies paid as well as FREE!

More than one (generally 3 to 5) proxy servers are used in chained fashion using a tool called proxy-chain. So, packets from attacker go through multiple of proxy servers. Those proxy server are internationally chosen from different rival countries. So, that one country doesn't agree to share security info  like proxy logs to other country making the hacker hard to identify. 

You can just edit this file and add some proxies in it in order to setup proxy-chain in Linux:




Why your location privacy matters? 

Facebook is now considered the worst student in the privacy classroom, tracking its users and nonusers on other sites and apps, collecting biometric data without consent, and using artificial intelligence to analyze behavior's. 

Its ultimate goal is to sell the precious data to advertiser's. That's the business model. If Facebook is the worst student, Google And Apple are not even at School. They live a street life. Apple does not care about advertising, its not its core business model, but they do collect all kind of data to track their usage. 

Google core business advertising. Still in the last Google (June 2021), they repeat the word "privacy" like hundred times. And isn't it ironic. don't you think?  

your location tells a lot about you. Algorithms analyze and cross-check your data.  They respect your privacy,  but they know you went to the Hospital, and afterward, you called your parents and your girlfriend or boyfriend,  and after that, you made serval Google Searches about AIDS, and after that, you called your insurance. 

#anonymous #tim3 #ethical_hacking

I hope you enjoy this tutorial. If you regarding any problem with this topic please send me messages on my social media link.

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