Termux Basic to Advanced  | ANONYMOUS TIM3

Fellow Hackers and Pentester's welcome again to ANONYMOUS TIM3. If you are searching for the best tutorial for learning about termux!  then you get that. In this post, I will talk with Basic to Advanced about 'Termux'. So without any further time let's go for it. 

What is termux

What we will learn in this tutorial?  

ЁЯСЙ what is termux?

ЁЯСЙ How to use it? (practical)

ЁЯСЙ what can we do by using termux?

here is some question about termux and my answer is...

 what is termux? 

Guys as we know terminal is a main part of hacking. without terminal no hacking. Termux is a type of app which is used more nowadays. this app is awesome to hack anything. and this interface look also like a Linux terminal. for using this application you don't need to Root your phone. and you can hack anything by using this Application.

why we use it?

A:- Android is very capable with more and more  Applications approaching the Desktops class. Fortunately,  Android is Linux at its core. And  Termux builds on this existing infrastructure. it provides a command-line environment and allows you to install honest-to-goodness Linux apps on your Android device. Termux is used for penetration testing and for hacking webs and android devices.

Are any programming languages needed to run it?

No, no need for any programming knowledge. But if you know about programming that's better. But Don't need to must learn to program.

Can we hack WiFi from termux?

yes,  we can hack WiFi using termux. but we needed an external router for it. and more knowledge about it.

Can we hack the website from termux?

yes, you can hack any website which has Vernablity in it.

Can we hack android from termux?

yes, you can hack Android and PC or Mac from the termux app, by making a payload and insert it inside in Android,  PC, or Mac we can get data from there.

How much space it requires?

It is dependent upon the script of hacking. 
For example: if I install Metasploit it requires 600 MB of storage and 200 MB of data.

How much time need to learn termux?

It depends upon your interest. and how much time are you spend in here?

Can I improve my hacking skills from the termux application?

Sure, you can become a master of penetrating testing and hacking.

What are the device requirements to run Termux?

Any device with 1Gb of ram, 3 Gb of storage, good data speed, version of the device should be more than 4.0.0 with good data speed.

IS our YouTube channel (Anonymous tim3) teach everything about termux and Hacking?

yes, we are here to make u the best hacker so we will provide you free hacking ebooks, pdfs of hacking, programming books, and a lot more for a free lifetime.

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How to use termux? and make completely run for hacking?

follow these steps correctly, Here some packages are important for hacking in termux to run hacking so. Follow the commands properly. Please apply commands by copy-pasting from here or typing them pls type all commands in small letters only after putting Command it asks to tap ( y/n ) just tap on y  And done.

$ termux-setup-storage (you will see a popup notification click on allow)

$ ls

all-important packages of termux.

Ex:- for installation

$ apt-get update

$ pkg install python

$ pkg install python2

$ pkg install nano

$ pkg install wget

$ pkg install hydra

$ pkg install git

$ pkg install netcat

$ pkg install curl

$ pkg install ruby

$ apt install php

$ pkg install ruby

$ pkg install tor

$ pkg install nmap

$ pkg install figlet

after this apk runs now & then now u can run anything.

:::::: basic tools :::::::::

apt update -update terminal package

apt install git    
 *GitHub Repository 

apt install vim  *for file editor

apt install zip  
 *for zipping

apt install wget   
 *download direct

apt install unzip  
 *for unzip

apt install unrar   
 *for unrar file

apt list   
 *for programs list

Top 10 Hackers Groups In The World!

::::: Programming languages ::::::::

apt install php :for run php flle

apt install python  
 *run (.py) python file

apt install python2  
 *run .py flle

apt install perl   
 *for run (.pl) perl flle

apt install ruby : 
 *for run ruby language file

apt install vim-python  
 *to edit python

After termux installed go to settings in permission enable storage and force stop app then termux runs storage setup.

" Pls watch the video if you are struggling to understand hacking in termux "

#anonymous #tim3 #ethical_hacking

I hope you enjoy this tutorial. If you regarding any problem with this topic please send me messages on my social media link.

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